The Dream

 What did you want to be when you were a kid? A scientist? An astronaut? A superhero? A commando? You probably wanted to be what you were fascinated and inspired by. The world was full of opportunities and limits were virtually nonexistent.

And as you grew up, you started getting interested in other things, perhaps you wished to be an artist now, or own a restaurant. And by now, you would have also been introduced to the concept of boundaries.
You start realizing that careers cannot be conjured up out of thin air, just because you want to be the proud owner of a successful tattoo parlor doesn't mean it's going to happen. One needs specific sets of skills, access to certain resources and the will to work hard to be able to put themselves in a position where the journey to your dream starts. 

Some of us are lucky in the sense that they somehow manage to stick with their original dream (or at least one of them), and when the time comes, they know exactly what they want to do in terms of studies and work. For those of us who managed to remember, cherish and protect their dream against the odds, the decision of choosing a career path is a simple one.

Then come those of us who get the power taken from their hands. Someone else makes that decision for us and we are sent down an unfamiliar path that we may or may not grow to like.

But some of are lucky enough to be given a choice. We get to decide what we want to do and then choose the appropriate course of studies. But sometimes, we don't know what we want to be. Somewhere along the path to youth, we lost all our dreams. Perhaps we've simply forgotten, or perhaps they were crushed and now exist as painful memories in our consciousness. Whatever the case may be, we just cannot decide. We want to make something of ourselves, but we don't know how to go about doing it. When faced with numerous paths to success, we find ourselves unable to make a choice.

What do I want to be?

What am I good at?

What kind of work would complement my personality?

What is the ideal career for the unique person that is me?

We are faced with question such as this and many more and no one has the answers. Which leaves us stuck in a vortex of confusion and indecisiveness. If only there was a way to make this easier. We do not dream of working a specific job, but we do want to be successful. So, we don't want to make the wrong choice. We don't want to start something only to find out halfway through that we don't belong here and would like to run away.


  1. Here lies every kid's story who has gone through this or is still in this dilemma 📍📢

  2. Well written.
    Very relatable❤

  3. You explained it very well. Complete,concise and correct. loved this!

  4. very well written!
    enjoyed reading it!!

  5. I love the topic as The selection of words is precise.keep it up!

  6. Creatively written. Appreciated.


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