

Characteristics of agreeable personalities In our lives, we will all meet someone who is agreeable. Like other personality traits, agreeableness has a range of extremes, from extremely agreeable to very disagreeable. A few of the sub-traits of high and low agreeableness will be examined.

High level of agreeableness Polite One common trait of agreeableness is to be or act polite. This could be anything from how you talk on the phone to how you talk to strangers.

Considerate Again, demonstrating empathy and consideration for others is a common trait. It is common to understand how someone else is feeling and to think about how your actions or those of others can help that person or group.

People who are highly agreeable are more likely to believe that other people mean well and have good intentions. They are less inclined to pass judgment on others or arrive at snap conclusions about individuals deciding to offer sympathy and grace in overflow.

Cooperatives are frequently regarded as peacemakers as opposed to those who favor conflict and disruption. People who are very agreeable will frequently give in to the needs of other people.

Modest People who are agreeable tend to be extremely humble and down-to-earth.

Abrasive Low agreeableness Low agreeableness indicates a lack of patience with others or even a willingness to ignore simple requests.

Argumentative A person with a low agreeableness score will even be very aggressive toward other people in order to get what they want. They would rather engage in conflict than work with others.

Critical Those who prefer to criticize and look for opportunities to do so are typically unapproachable and do not take the time to praise a person's work or home.

Low agreeableness can come across as condescending during a conversation or even directly as a response mechanism when it is accompanied by a lack of consideration for others.

Selfish Low-agreeable people frequently exhibit selfish tendencies. They place little importance on helping other people.
