Career defining traits

 Career defining traits

Nobody on planet earth is born hard working or organized. These are the things that they learn along the way. Life can be downright chaotic at times so it's very important to work on yourself and be better prepared for whatever life throws your way. 

The first step in being an effective person starts with taking responsibility for your actions and accepting the consequences of your actions. Many of us always blame other people or events in explaining what they are. While experiences do shape you to some extent, it's up to you to react to those experiences however you prefer. Life is tough and things get hard but critical thinking and self analysis are the most useful tools in your arsenal.

It also helps to envision the end goal when you start a new venture. Have an outline of what you want to do and spend your time effectively working towards that goal one step at a time. It's important to put first things first. Follow your plan and try not to hurt anyone to get their. People who you meet on your ascent are the same ones you'll see on your fall. So always be kind and empathetic to other people.

Everyone on planet earth has a story and for yours to be heard you must listen to other people's story first. Pay attention when someone is speaking to you. And find people who have the skills you lack. Instead of being envious or petty learn from them and who knows what you'll be able to achieve.

With the right mindset and people around you, you'll achieve great heights. It's all about complimenting one another and making up for their weaknesses with your strengths and vice versa. Everything mentioned above is appreciated in any organization and are qualities of a good human being. 

And finally keep on working on yourself it's important to be adaptable and versatile. I hope this helps for whoever that may be reading.
