Why something IS better than nothing

Deciding what you want to do with your life may be one of the hardest decisions you would ever have to make. Taking time to carefully consider things is never a bad idea. So you decide to take a few days to think things through, and the days turn into weeks, and weeks turn into months. And before you know it you've wasted a year or two having made no progress whatsoever.

I myself am not where I want to be or where I thought I would be at 26 years of age but things don’t always go to plan and you have to play with the cards you’re dealt. But I managed to break the barriers that were holding me down a couple of years ago and started moving again. And I think that is what's truly important, to keep moving, in my opinion the worst thing you can be is stagnant.

When it comes to making career decisions, the worst thing you can do is nothing.

Now bear in mind that life is not a race and you ought to do things at your own pace. And just because your school friends are already working and getting married, doesn't mean you have have to feel like you've been left behind. But one cannot overlook the undeniable importance of the irreplaceable resource known as time. 

I want an empire. I want autonomy. I want authority. I want to gather at team of competent individuals and provide them with a framework to operate in. I want them to work for their personal and mine. I want to work hard to create my empire and rule over it. I want my empire to be autonomous requiring me to only play my part in executive level decision making and use the rest of my time to indulge in my passions.

For my plans to succeed, I would need to attract talented individuals to come work for me even though I don’t have much to offer them in the beginning. I think my abilities and competence will play an important role in influencing these individuals. I’ll offer them their fair share once we start to gain ground but more than that I’ll offer them a chance to be a part of something great.

Great things take time and if you're aiming at something great, you have to start TODAY!
