Existential crisis

 Existential crisis

Kids these days study 13 hours a day on average and spend the rest of it online. This leaves very little time for much else. Then adults wonder why your child is showing signs of depression in such a "healthy household" sometimes people in a child's life don't understand the stress we put on children. This is quickly becoming a problem. In Pakistan alone the ratio of students killing themselves has increased drastically. The competition and more complicated forms of studies are driving children to insanity. 

Only a few careers are considered worthy and anyone unfortunate enough to be creative, withers away quickly. This society is becoming more and more toxic. I read the works of many child psychologists who pinpointed the problems quite accurately when they say, we judge all children to the same standards while they have different capabilities.

If our child is good in arts, we mock them and put them into medical schools or a career equally ridiculous given their talents. It's a vicious cycle I'm hoping we'll break when more educated people start to have children. 

The practices in Pakistan are not only out dated but also frowned upon in developed countries. 

This trend of making your child a doctor or engineer has lead to a generation of mediocre graduates who are not interested in the field they were forced to study. They aren't passionate about what they do and it causes stress and eventually suicide.

I hope any parent reading this would take my words seriously. Don't kill your child. For the love of god let them choose their own field of study. It's okay if they fail at first because failure is the first step to success. 


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