Why you need to know your personality type

 Knowing your personality type helps you make informed decisions about your future. Knowing yourself helps you understand what you want and what are your capabilities.

Psychologists have a variety of personality tests that determine whether you are creative or a planner, these distinctions help calculate what kind of study would resonate with you.

There are six major personality types. That can help you choose what type of career you want.


Realistic people have an honest sense of self they are extremely good with using their hands and like to be active. These people usually make good athletes, architects and contractors.

On the other hand they would hate to sit behind a desk all day.


These people have a creative outlook on life. They innovate and create. They are the happiest finding solutions to unsolvable problems and a wide range of jobs suite them including painter, sculptor, mathematician, detective, scientist.
The cons of this personality are usually they hate routines and schedules they also struggle with deadlines.


People with this personality type are great leaders and very good at public speaking as well. These people are charismatic and self assured.
They make great leaders and are destined for senior managerial positions.


Social people are helpful, agreeable, extroverts. They love spending time with other people and they know everything happening in other people's lives.
They make excellent teachers, therapists, social workers, anthropologists and influencers.


Conventional people are old school. They thrive in structure and rules, they are also great as employees and they love maintaining order.
People who are conventional want job security and are good at accounts and finance.


Also known as problem solvers. These people are great at finding solutions and they are naturally curious by nature. they want to get to the bottom of things.
Though they do take a lot of time making decisions and are not very good under pressure.
